Piece War version 1.02 Piece War is a SHAREWARE, read "license.txt". You can register Piece War for $7.00 (US) at www.PalmGear.com Registering Piece War, entitles you to all upgrades up to version 2.00 at no additional charge. You will also receive new "Piece Sets" as they come out. 1. INSTALLATION 2. HOW TO PLAY 3. GAME SETTINGS 4. CONTACT 1. INSTALLATION: Piece War 1.02 supports PalmOS 3.5 or later. HotSync the file "PieceWarColor.prc" (or "PieceWarGray.prc") to your palm, and at least one additional Piece Set (included in this file are: "default-COLOR.pdb" for color devices, and "default-GREY.pdb" for greyscale devices). 2. HOW TO PLAY: The object of the game is to attach all pieces to form a complete shape. First select a "Piece Set" to represent the pieces to match in the game, then select the game you'd like to play (puzzles: Normal, Timed or a War game). (If you're interested in creating a Piece Set, please refer to the "Piece Set creation\Piece Set Creation.txt" file) "Piece War" games: "Puzzle Game" Move the pieces around the board and attach matching pieces. a complete shape is divided to three pieces, left, right and middle. You need to attach a left or a right piece to a middle one, and comlpete the shape by attaching the remaining piece. When you move a piece, it switches places with the piece that is located in the adjacent square, where adjacent is any of the neighboring squares in a horizontal or vertical direction. Once you attach a piece to another one (a left piece to a middle one, a right piece to a middle one, a left piece to a shape formed by a middle piece and a right piece and a right piece to a shape formed by a middle piece and a left piece) instead of switching places, a mine will appear in the place of the piece that was just attached. You can only move single pieces (left, right or middle). The "Puzzle" game can be played in 'Timed' mode or 'Normal' mode. 'Timed' mode: You can only keep playing as long as you have time. Each piece you connect, adds an additional time to play. In 'Normal' mode, you are not limited by time. "War": The pieces are falling! You have to quickly find the matching pieces (two), before the falling piece hits the ground. The piece will fall faster as you advance levels. The game can be played in 'Practice' mode or 'Game' mode. The difference between modes, is that in the "Puzzle" game mode, you can't move the selected piece back to the same place where it has been before, if the piece that has switched places with the first one, is still there. In 'Game' mode, when you choose to go over a mine, you lose one life, out of 5 lives. In "War" game mode, you lose one life, when you select a piece, that can not be attached to the piece that is falling. In both games (puzzle and war), whenever you accumulate 500 points, one life will be added (up to 5 lives). The game ends when you run out of lives (or in case you're playing a timed "Puzzle" game, when you run out of time) In 'Practice' mode, instead of losing one life, you only lose points for the same moves. In the "Puzzle" game, you can move with the selected piece to all directions, no matter where it has been before, you can also 'undo' your previous move. 3. GAME SETTINGS: Menu: High Scores: Select this item to see the High Score table. On the "High Scores" screen, you can select 'Normal', 'Timed' or 'War' to see the corresponding high scores that were achieved in the different games. You can also reset the High Score table, by selecting the 'trash' icon. Game Settings: General: Sound: Toggles sound ON or OFF. Animate board: Board animation before the game, might save battery life. Puzzle: 'Auto' decrease scores: When playing in 'Practice' mode, when you go over a mine or a complete shape (formed by all pieces) a popup confirmation dialog will show up, asking you to confirm. If you do confirm, your score will be decreased. Selecting this option will cause 'Piece War' to automatically decrease your score and go over the mine or the complete shape, without confirmation. Always click to select a piece: When playing, whenever you select a piece, it remains selected until you select another piece that is not in the first piece's way. When selecting this option, you will always need to click on the piece you wish to select (it won't remain selected). War: 1,2,3 piece(s) per level: Set the number of piece(s) you need to attach in each level (less is harder). Piece falling speed: Set the starting speed of the falling piece. (NOTE: it will still keep falling faster as you advance levels). * In the "Game Settings" menu ("Difficulty"), you can also select 'Easy', 'Normal' or 'Hard', to customize the game's settings to the corresponding difficulty. 4. CONTACT: If you have any questions, comments or bug reports, please email: t.g.l@usa.net I will answer as soon as possible.